Human societies have used folklore and tradition as means of sharing, reinforcing, and perpetuating values, and conveying deeply held moral and ethical norms. The protagonists we encounter in the suite of five performances which comprise Heroes Take Their Stands were not born heroes. None of them are superior to humankind, nor are they deities or superheroes. They are normal individuals who choose to act or react in ways that spare others’ lives or right profound injustices — and their acts offer enduring inspiration for us all. The decisions they make at these crucial moments in their lives — to do the right thing, to do the just thing, regardless of the personal consequences — is what makes them heroes. Their examples demonstrate that each of us is born with a capacity for heroism — and that it is up to each of us to choose to act, to take our stand.
I have always felt that the sublime essence and grandeur of the heroic gesture cannot be truly captured in words alone. This was my inspiration for bringing these stories to Silkroad.
Ahmad Sadri
Creator, Heroes Take Their Stands
Like all of Silkroad’s work, Heroes Take Their Stands explores the habits fundamental to living in a democratic society and an inclusive world: curiosity, empathy, and collaboration.